Morihei Ueshiba O’Sensei, Founder of Aikido

Aikido is a dynamic vehicle for personal growth on every level.

Practice to improve your well-being, build confidence, and strengthen both body and mind. 

Each session is a lively mix of skill-building, camaraderie, and laughter, ensuring that everyone feels valued and has a great time while learning. 

We pride ourselves on maintaining a welcoming and respectful atmosphere, free from any form of bigotry or bullying.

Join us and experience the rewarding journey of Aikido where every class is an opportunity to grow, connect, and have fun!

We hold classes for adults, children, and youth across the whole year.

Please feel welcome to come and try Aikido!

Call, send an email if you want to try a class or two.

If you have questions you are welcome to contact our Head Instructor:

Peter Noble
0434 44 88 92 

ATAC is a proud ALLY of DIVERSITY in any form

Click the images to find out more

Adelaide Takemusu Aikido Club Inc. is a proud sponsor of the Pink Belt Project.

Pink Belt Project provides women in need; particularly those healing from the trauma of domestic abuse and/or sexual assault, with a one-year scholarship, allowing them to train for free at their local martial arts club.

Contact the Pink Belt Project or ATAC to organise a year of free Aikido Classes and TAKE BACK YOUR POWER!

Aikido Classes for Kids

We have an awesome childrens program for ages 5 - 16yo

Click the Logo to find out more.